Showingof 443 item(s)
Citadel - GAW Citadel Colour: Contrast - Cygor Brown
Citadel - GAW Citadel Colour: Spray - Retributor Armor
Citadel - GAW Citadel Colour: Technical - Nighthaunt Gloom Old Formulation
Citadel - GAW Citadel Colour: Shade - Reikland Fleshshade - Gloss Old Formulation
The Battle Figure Case is from Citadel by Games Workshop with item number 60-38.
Layer Brush - Small is a Synthetic Brush for the miniature painting by Citadel from Games Workshop with the item number 63-01.
Citadel - GAW Citadel Colour: Technical - Contrast Medium
Druchii Violet is a Shade Paint from the Citadel Colour Line by Games Workshop with the item number 24-16.
Athonian Camoshade is a Shade Paint from the Citadel Colour Line by Games Workshop with the item number 24-21.
Nuln Oil is a Shade Paint from the Citadel Colour Line by Games Workshop with the item number 24-14.
Berserker Bloodshade is a Shade Paint from the Citadel Colour Line by Games Workshop with the item number 24-34.